
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Easter Egg Garland

I've seen this garland over and over in blogland and love it. This version is from the ladies at eighteen25.

So, so very clever!

I finally got around to making one for myself. It didn't take more than 10 minutes and it was finished and hung! You gotta love a simple craft!

Here is my version:

I love it!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Playing Catch Up

I haven't been doing much crafting or major cooking lately. I've been spending most of my free time catching up on my Project Life album. I had to go back and pick out all the pictures that I wanted to use and mark them according to week and then load them for printing. We haven't replaced our ink cartridges yet, so I printed them at Target, which I must say, I'm super happy with. I had previously been printing at Walgreens because it's very close to our house and they always have a discount on prints, but the quality was horrible. I knew I didn't want poor, discolored photos for my Project Life, so I switched to Target. They cost a little more, but the quality is soooo much better and well worth the extra pennies!

Anyway, I've been going through and adding the photos and then adding journaling, keepsakes (such as receipts, mail, clothing tags, etc.) and embellishments. So far, I'm LOVING the outcome. I still have a ton more to do before it's all caught up, but I'm really enjoying the process! I'm also working on the current week at the same time, so it's been a lot of work! As soon as I get entirely caught up, I will be sure to photograph it all and have a big post. After that, I hope to post my weekly spreads as I go.

Here's a peek:

 (I apologize for the photo quality. It's been dark and rainy here all week, so I just snapped these quickly this morning.)

Oh, I did manage to FINALLY sew a set of curtains for Harper's room! They are far from perfect (and I actually did have a major screw up), but I'm so happy I completed my first sewing project! I still have to make the other set for the second window. I plan on finishing those up this weekend and then getting the hardware to hang them. So exciting! I would take a picture for you, but right now, they're folded up sitting on the ironing board and I think they will look much more impressive (maybe) when they're hung up.

*If you would like to learn more about Project Life check out http://www.beckyhiggins.com/.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pinterest Challenge Update

I finished my Pinterest Challenge project but haven't had the chance to order it yet, so I can't show you my finished product. I have the book design finished, but I don't have the book made yet and in my possession. I can show you where I got the idea though! This was my inspiration:

This awesome idea comes from Modern Parents Messy Kids. I'm sure you've seen it at some point on Pinterest. It's been a very popular pin.

Anyway, I figured now that Hudson is almost 3, this would be a great learning tool for him. He already knows most of his letters and can recite the alphabet, but I want him to learn to associate letters with words and what better way than to have a book full of images that he is either in or are of his own belongings?! Pure Genious!

I created mine with MyPublisher.com. I've used them before for our family yearbooks, and have always been really happy with them. Plus, they always have some type of promotion and I love a discount!

It was much harder than I thought to come up with words and pictures for all of the letters. I kept coming up with words for the same letters, but would get stuck on others. "N" for example for tricky for me...

I can't wait to get it ordered and in the mail. I will be sure to share it with you as soon as I get it!


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Another Challenge!

Sherry from Young House Love and Katie from Bower Power are back with another installment of

Here was my Advent Calendar project for the fall edition:

 You can read more about that here.

And these were my little projects for the summer edition:

sponge balls for Hudson to play with in the pool
and some word rocks that I just thought were cool...but mine didn't turn out to be nearly as cool looking as the ones I pinned.
(p.s. I have no idea why I put Oprah on the quote rock when it was a quote from Ghandi. I must've had Oprah on the brain! Duh!)

You can read more on these projects here.

This time I want to take on a bigger project. So, I'm off to browse my DIY/Craft board to find something I really, really want to make! If you would like to follow me on Pinterest, just click the button on my sidebar.

I have a lot I would like to get accomplished around here this weekend. I keep saying that and it never happens, but this time I REALLY mean it!


Monday, March 5, 2012

Lucky Us

I wanted a little sign to go along with my St. Patrick's Day banners. We had some small pieces of plywood leftover from some other projects, so I used a small piece of that.

I used some of Hudson's craft paint to paint the wood white. It actually looks sort of white washed because you can still see the wood grain through the paint. And I'm okay with that. I actually kind of like the way it looks.

Once that was dry, I used some of my acrylic paint to write Lucky Us across the sign.

Then all I did was embellish it a little with a few of the same foam shamrock stickers that I used on my banner and now I have a cute little sign!

It's not perfect, but I like that about it. My favorite part is what it says!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Banner

I wanted to make a couple of St. Patty's Day banners to hang from the shelves above our tv this year. I've never really done much decorating for this holiday, but now that I have little kiddos, I feel the need to make every holiday as festive as possible. Festive, but tasteful.

While blog hopping one day I came across a beautiful banner made by Rebecca Cooper from
Simple As That.

So this became my inspiration. Then I remembered that I had these little foam shamrock stickers left over from a scrapbooking project. Perfect!

I like that they've got some sparkle. I also like that there are two different colors.

Here is what I ended up with. I was going to use white cardstock, but decided that I really liked the book pages to add a little more character.

I used twine that Jeremy had down in the garage. I think he uses it to tie branches and sticks together for the yard waste, but I'm loving it for this project and will for sure use it again!

It's very simple, but I'm really happy with how it turned out. Thanks for the inspiration Rebecca!

P.S. I hate these shelves and can never really figure out what to put on them. They're not very deep, so they don't hold much, but we needed to fill the space above the tv. I would've preferred to mount our tv on the wall, but at the time Jeremy didn't want to hassle with it. I think he's changed his mind since then. Maybe that will be a future project!
