I've been saving up for a while and been patiently waiting for the right price and the right time to purchase it. Well, the time had come. I really wanted to get it before the baby was born. Not only to take thousands of pictures of our kids, but also so that I could really start learning how to use it to it's full potential before fall arrives.
I chose this particular camera based on a recommendation from Alissa over at 33 Shades of Green. I emailed her quite a while ago (like almost a year!) because I thought her pictures were so amazing and I had to know what kind of camera she was using. So she gave me the lowdown on her camera and also referred me to http://www.kenrockwell.com/.
Ken is a professional photographer who reviews camera equipment for all skill levels. This is the SLR digital camera that he recommended. He also offers advice on websites to purchase cameras and camera equipment.
I ended up getting an amazing deal and am so glad that I waited around for so long before buying it. It was a huge purchase and I wanted to make sure I knew exactly what I was doing. I couldn't be happier!! I've already started practicing and am so in love with everything about it! I can't wait to start using it for all my blogging photography!

CONGRATS on your new camera!!! I know you will have lots of fun with it. I have been trying to comment ever since you posted this but I hadn't been able to leave comments on certain blogs for about a month! I finally figured it out yesterday. Grrr...Blogger.